Thompson Agbo
“When I earned my Gold Seal many people were coming up to me with issues they felt I had the wisdom, knowledge, and ability to handle any problem thrown my way. The Gold Seal Certification isn’t only a status, but you have the knowledge to back the credential up.”
Thompson Agbo, GSC, Health and Safety Officer
Thompson originates from Ghana. He has been in the health and safety industry for a little over eight years, working in both Ghana and Canada. He temporarily moved to the United Kingdom to attend the University of Bath and has earned his Masters Degree in Education. While in the UK, Thompson also met his wife.
Today, Thompson is proudly employed in Canada working as a health and safety officer in the construction industry. However, his Canadian career adventure hasn’t been solely focused in the field of construction, as he has previous experience working in the gas and oil industry. He further mentioned being interested in working as a safety officer in a variety of different fields, and that he is very adaptable to the changing market needs.
With this in mind, Thompson has always been interested in pursuing career advancement opportunities. “Before I had gotten my Gold Seal Certification I had seen a few supervisors obtain theirs. It interested me. It naturally sets you apart from the competition. I had already earned my National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) designation and wanted more.” That’s when he decided to register to the Gold Seal Intern Program, doing so as an out-of-pocket expense. “By paying for it on my own makes me give it all my commitment, respect, and time in order to finished it. I’m proud because my Gold Seal Certification has been mine from start to finish. I put in my money, effort… everything I had really, and I got it!” In October 2016, Thompson received his Gold Seal Certification.
Nevertheless making the time to earn his Gold Seal Certification hasn’t been easy. Thompson has two young children at home. “Making the time to study is a challenge. I decided to take the intern route, so I was able to take my time with everything.” However, the benefits from obtaining the Gold Seal Certification are worth it. According to Thompson, “It sets you apart from your peers and gives you a sense of responsibility. People will look up to you.”
“Out of all the main designations we have in Canada, this is an excellent certification to get. It sets you apart. I would advise you all, as I advise my safety colleagues already, get your Gold Seal Certification. It prepares you for fantastic health and safety careers in construction.”