Phillip Pawluk

“I’m very happy I earned the Gold Seal Project Management designation. I already had most of the work and education needed to qualify for my certification. It is very satisfying for me to have that experience and knowledge validated.”

Phillip Pawluk, GSC, Engineer, KGS Group Consulting Engineers

Phillip’s dad was a master plumber, mechanical contractor and power engineer. Since he was old enough for his dad to let him tag along to his job sites, Phil wanted to be part of building projects from start to finish. Now an engineer with KGS Group Consulting Engineers in Winnipeg, Phil also runs a small construction company with a close friend and business partner.

Phil chose the Gold Seal Certification program because it allowed him to channel his previous schooling and experience into qualifying for a professional designation. Having spent five years running a construction company and seven years in school all Phil had to do was take a few courses to qualify for the Gold Seal Certification exam in project management. Asked whether the extra courses added value, he said some things you don’t learn in college and university. “You don’t realize how much trouble you can get into until you take those courses,” Phil said, referring to the law and ethics courses he took.

Phil’s expertise both as an engineer and a contractor is unique in the industry. He believes that the Gold Seal Certification in project management provides even more credibility. His designation helps him overcome the stigma of being ‘just an engineer’ and builds the trust he needs to act as a project management professional and mediator when disputes arise on projects.

Phil believes the main benefits of having his Gold Seal Certification are improved relationships between clients and contractors; improved recognition in the industry when dealing with contractors; and the opportunity to move ahead within the company.

When asked what he would say to others considering earning their Gold Seal Certification, he replied: “Don’t hesitate for a moment!” he answered, “Reflect back on all the work you’ve done and experience you’ve gained, apply yourself, take the exam and earn the designation.”

About Gold Seal Certification

The final product of the Gold Seal Certification program is a construction manager who has met the program’s rigorous eligibility requirements and is recognized as having met the “industry established national high standards of qualification”. Are you ready to make a significant contribution to raising the standards and improving the image of construction management personnel?

Start your certification today!