Mike Love
“Getting my Gold Seal Certification provided a path to developing the qualities I needed to be a better leader. As a superintendent I encourage my team members to follow Gold Seal’s educational curriculum and to test themselves against the industry standard by getting their Gold Seal Certification.”
Mike Love, GSC, Superintendent, PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
After completing a diploma in architectural technology and a bachelor of architectural science, Mike felt he was still missing something in his career. He didn’t want to be sitting in an office all day ‘thinking’ about buildings, he wanted to be out there building them. Joining the field management team at PCL gave Mike the opportunity to follow his passion and build the environment we live and work in every day.’
PCL recognizes the value of education and leadership and encourages all field staff to become Gold Seal certified. That was how Mike first learned about the program and from day one at PCL he started working towards his certification.
“Field management can be very demanding both physically and mentally. The hardest obstacle I face is learning to be a leader at work while raising a young family. Working towards my Gold Seal, I did a lot of workshops on learning how to prioritize work and manage stress, and it definitely helped me balance the demands of work and home.”
Mike takes his leadership skills seriously and is looking forward to championing the Gold Seal program to help other people reach their potential as construction management professionals.