Kyle Gee

“Professional development in the construction industry is paramount. The landscape in engineering and construction is constantly evolving. You have to grow with it.”

Kyle Gee, GSC, Engineering Consultant, WSP Canada

Kyle Gee is a successful engineering consultant working on various transportation and land development projects.

He began his career in construction at 15 years of age, became a foreman at 19, and then rose to become project manager by the age of 21. At every step, however, he had to overcome the perception that he was too young.

Education and professional development have always been important to Kyle and obtaining his Gold Seal Certification (GSC) has provided him with the peer recognition. He is now recognized across Canada as a construction management professional. This is a testament to Kyle’s motivation, resourcefulness and commitment to his craft.

“Setting out to complete my GSC was a personal goal for me to earn more recognition from my peers, but I’ve also noticed improvement in my work, and I’m really proud to be recognized nationally by the Canadian Construction Association.”

About Gold Seal Certification

The final product of the Gold Seal Certification program is a construction manager who has met the program’s rigorous eligibility requirements and is recognized as having met the “industry established national high standards of qualification”. Are you ready to make a significant contribution to raising the standards and improving the image of construction management personnel?

Start your certification today!