David Irwin

“One of the primary benefits is recognition of the actual designation among safety professionals, sale-ability for both myself and my employers when it comes to getting to bid on projects. Finally, setting my mind to reaching a goal, and obtaining it is a benefit for myself and my self-esteem.”

David Irwin, GSC, Safety Manager, Walsh Canada

David Irwin is the Safety Manager for Walsh Canada. He describes himself as a jack-of-all-trades in the safety department. He oversees the Health and Safety program within the company, as well as the COR certification, injury management, incident investigations, etc.

David chose construction out of a longing for a dynamic career. He started off as an Industrial Safety Coordinator and was looking for something more challenging. Construction is renowned to be a dynamic work environment. Variables are always changing and keeping workers on their toes. “I’ve always been a little bit of a construction nerd, I guess. Especially when it comes to construction projects and seeing how things are built. The child in me likes to see the toys and all the equipment. The scope and scale of construction projects have always amazed me.”

David discovered the Gold Seal Certification through a former colleague of his. His colleague was a Gold Seal Safety Coordinator, and through this contact David discovered what was involved in the certification. He then realized the benefits of becoming a Gold Seal Certified construction professional would benefit his career and provide him with new opportunities to grow. David earned his Gold Seal Certification in June 2017. David’s motivation for obtaining his Gold Seal Certification was due in part with wanting to verify his own knowledge, and solidify what he’s done so far as a safety professional. Ultimately, achieving his Gold Seal Certification was a career goal.

The certification didn’t come easy for David. Like many others, finding time to complete the certification was a challenge. Nevertheless, David found some courses available through the IHSA. With some additional help from others, providing him with great advice, David could move past his challenges and obtain the Gold Seal Certification.

“It’s always nice to set a goal and to reach it. I’m proud of myself. Do it post haste. There are no downsides to it. It requires some efforts but it’s well worth it.”

About Gold Seal Certification

The final product of the Gold Seal Certification program is a construction manager who has met the program’s rigorous eligibility requirements and is recognized as having met the “industry established national high standards of qualification”. Are you ready to make a significant contribution to raising the standards and improving the image of construction management personnel?

Start your certification today!