Brian Moore

“That constant drive to better yourself and to learn is appreciated by your employer. Displaying that goes a long way.”

Brian Moore, GSC, Team Leader, Construction Services

Brian is a team leader of construction services with the federal government. His job entails the management of a team of contract managers and technical professionals specializing in professional services, environmental and health and safety.

As early as high school, Brian knew he had always been interested in construction. Upon completing his schooling in civil engineering, he channeled his career path through different facets of construction starting as a structural designer. He later moved into mechanical design, project management and ultimately moving to the federal government 6 years ago.

Brian has his CET (certified engineering technologist), and after he received that certification he was looking for what to get next. He took the Construction Law course offered by the Canadian Construction Association and found out that it was a part of a bigger picture, a step towards his Gold Seal Certification. He set the Gold Seal Certification as a career goal for himself as he knew it was beneficial to his current role. He took more accredited courses and over a span of two to three years he eventually completed all the courses required for him to take the exam. Brian mentioned that the federal government recognizes the Gold Seal Certification program as worthwhile and embraced him in taking the courses and exam. “The recognition is far deeper than I thought. Which only speaks to its credibility.”

Brian believes some of the main benefits of having his Gold Seal Certification include achieving his personal goal, recognition from his company and the recognition you get within the industry.

“The Gold Seal Certification is well recognized, but even more recognized than I had anticipated. The credibility that the Gold Seal Certification carries in the industry is beyond my expectations.”

About Gold Seal Certification

The final product of the Gold Seal Certification program is a construction manager who has met the program’s rigorous eligibility requirements and is recognized as having met the “industry established national high standards of qualification”. Are you ready to make a significant contribution to raising the standards and improving the image of construction management personnel?

Start your certification today!