Brandon Westgate
“Personally, the confidence boost that I have gotten from achieving the certification helps, and the credibility earned on top of that is a plus.”
Brandon Westgate, GSC, Project manager
Brandon began his career in construction from a young age, knowing full-well he was always intrigued by the construction process. He began his post-secondary education in carpentry for residential construction and soon thereafter he got into a Networking and Communications academic program. Once he completed his studies, he returned to the construction field and was hired as a Project Coordinator.
From that point forward, the seed was planted and Brandon knew exactly where he wanted to take his career. After earning his Red Seal in Carpentry, Brandon strived to become a Project Manager. Today, he has achieved one of his career goals, as he is a Project Manager for a commercial construction company. Working on a variety of projects ranging from small odd jobs to multi-million dollar projects.
Gold Seal Certification became a career goal for Brandon, alongside his desire to become a Project Manager. He discovered the certification while he was a Project Coordinator. “The Gold Seal Certification has been on my radar and has been a goal for me since the early 2000s! After some hard work and a steady pace, earning my experience and educational requirements I got my certification in January 2015.” Earning his Gold Seal Certification was part of his career journey to be a Project Manager and thus accompanied his goal. Landing new clients and getting more work for the company are among the benefits of this achievement.
“Get your Gold Seal Certification. It’s one of the BEST things that I’ve done for my career.”