Brad Stevenot
“Gold Seal Certification is well worth it. It displays you’re experienced and trained. It makes a huge difference.”
Brad Stevenot, GSC, Safety Manager, Brown’s Industrial Services
Brad had his debut in construction years ago at the age of 15 working in the summer months as a mechanic’s helper. He worked under his dad for a construction company that built roads and oil leases in B.C. Brad grew up in Meadow Lake Saskatchewan and upon graduating, he later moved to Saskatoon attending the University of Saskatchewan, where he studied Arts and Sciences. His goal was to work his way into the field of medicine. Despite his dedicated studies, he questioned whether or not that was the right field for him.
Brad was encouraged by mentors to take some time off between his studies to aid his self-discovery and to help determine what his true calling might be. “They would tell me ‘do it now because if you go in for something you don’t enjoy, you’ll end up not being happy.”‘ Taking that advice seriously, he obliged. That took him to Alberta where he worked on a gravel crusher; safely operating machines that convey, wash, crush and screen aggregates to produce sand and gravel. After a couple of years his entrepreneurial spirit drew him to starting his own business in the retail sector which he happily enjoyed working with his wife and family for over twenty-five years. However, in 2005 Brad returned to the construction industry, with his specialization in health & safety and renewed interest in the field of construction.
Today, Brad is Corporate Safety Manager for Brown’s Industrial Services in Cold Lake, Alberta. As manager of the safety department, he is responsible for the entire safety program. Regularly, Brad makes on- site visits to attend safety meetings, monitor operations, making sure they are in accordance with the safety program and in compliance to OH&S Regulations. He also oversees the onsite Safety Advisors and schedules corporate safety meetings. An average workday for Brad is approximately ten hours long. Beginning with administrative tasks and ending by checking in with the job site workers. Fortunately, accidents are not common occurrences on sites, thanks to the well-managed and maintained safety protocols.
Brad discovered the Gold Seal Certification after obtaining his NCSO and mentioning to a co-worker his interest in furthering his education. After researching the Gold Seal Certification, he decided that it was a valuable avenue for him to take the next step in his career.
On April 10th, 2015 Brad earned his Gold Seal Certification with the help and support of his employer.