Advocacy ALERT

Workforce shortage, fair procurement and greening strategies top the agenda at semi-annual joint meeting

On November 1, the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) and the Government of Canada held their semi-annual joint meeting to discuss key public policy issues affecting our industry. Several federal departments were represented by senior officials from Public Services and Procurement, Treasury Board, Natural Resources, National Defence, and Defence Construction Canada.

Workforce shortage

Canada’s labour crisis is threatening our future growth. With unemployment at an historically low level, our industry is struggling to find the workers it needs. CCA conveyed the urgency for governments and the industry to work together on securing the necessary workforce to deliver on the essential infrastructure required for Canadians. This important issue was the top agenda item for CCA and influenced discussions throughout the meeting.

Industry working groups

At our last joint meeting, the government agreed to establish two working groups to study issues related to contract security clearances and procurement modernization. CCA shared our concerns on the lack of progress in setting up these groups. The government committed to hold the first meetings of both groups by the end of year.

  • Contract security clearance: CCA reiterated the need to reduce the administrative burden associated with security clearances and the benefit of a government-wide security passport.
  • Procurement modernization: CCA conveyed the importance of finding an appropriate balance to risk sharing through the use of appropriate project delivery models.

Increasing the use of BIM

The government has signalled a move to increasing the use of BIM, including potentially mandating this in its RFPs. CCA recognizes the value of BIM, however advised the government to consult with contractors in order to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to meet their needs; and to provide sufficient time for the industry to prepare for this future requirement.

Canada’s strategies to net-zero

A significant part of the meeting was allocated to both the Greening Government Strategy and the Canada Green Buildings Strategy. CCA is committed to be a government partner on climate action and discussed the need for green material certifications and green building codes. Our advocacy team is closely monitoring government actions as they work on strategies to meet their net-zero targets.

Indigenous engagement strategy

DCC reported on their efforts towards building an Indigenous engagement strategy, including identifying contractors. DCC will work with CCA to present some of their key lessons, beginning with a webinar in December, as we work together toward increased Indigenous inclusion.

CCA looks forward to continuing our collaboration with the federal government on these shared priorities. By working together, we can continue building resilient and sustainable infrastructure for the benefit of all Canadians.

For more information on CCA’s advocacy work, please email Louis-Philippe Champagne, Director of Government Relations.