Member and partner association value top of mind for CCA’s Board
CCA’s Board of Directors met in Winnipeg, Manitoba this month, and also enjoyed the opportunity to meet with the Winnipeg Construction Association’s (WCA) Chair Ellowyn Nadeau and COO Ron Hambley, the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association’s Chair Dennis Cruise and COO Chris Lorenc, and CCA Past-Chair John Bockstael. Despite a great effort by the challengers, WCA was once again crowned bowling champions, with a little help from Saskatchewan’s Cory Richter.
By-laws to accept integrated partner associations as members will go to vote at March AGM
The board reviewed recommendations on changes to the by-laws and processes to include integrated partner associations as members of the CCA. The adjusted by-laws will be brought forward to the membership for a vote at CCA’s Annual General Meeting on March 11, 2024.
Canada Trade Infrastructure Plan hits a home run in June
After months of close collaboration with our business and construction association partners, including the Western Canada Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association and the Civil Infrastructure Corporation of Canada, we achieved public support from the provincial premiers for the federal government to create and fund a national plan to enable trade infrastructure. Read here.
NEW CCDC documents endorsed
The Board endorsed three new documents, and the CCA team will be getting them ready for distribution later this fall:
- Revised CCDC 220 Bid Bond
- Revised CCDC 221 Performance Bond
- Revised CCDC 222 Labour and Material Payment Bond
We continue to make good progress on the new digital service and have expanded our test centres to include the Construction Association of Nova Scotia and Vancouver Island Construction Association, in addition to the Construction Association of Rural Manitoba and Hamilton-Halton Construction Association. As CCA polishes the new digital document service for prime time, look for more news over the next few months!
Board approved 2024 CCA plan and budget
As we look to next year, CCA will implement a modest two per cent membership fee increase, after several years of deferrals.
A cornerstone of the plan is to work in partnership with our associations to drive more value and grow local, provincial, and CCA membership.
We will continue to seek out and partner on programs like the Canadian Apprenticeship Service, which raised interest in apprenticeships, provided subsidies for businesses, and generated revenue for our integrated partner associations.
The Board also reviewed the reports from our partners across Canada and appreciate the insight contained in them. Please click on the link to access the summary and the individual reports.
Upcoming meetings or events
Hill Day 2023, Ottawa
This annual advocacy event brings members together from across Canada to deliver important industry asks to parliamentarians from all parties, in meetings throughout the day, and a chance to mingle at a reception.
- November 7: Hill Day and reception
- November 8: NAC and Board meetings
If you wish to observe the NAC meetings on November 8, please email [email protected].

2024 Annual Conference registration is open!
The CCA Annual Conference will take place in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, from March 12-15, 2024. Our pre-business meetings will take place on March 10-11 and require separate registration.
- CCA Board meeting: March 10, 2024 (closed)
- CCA National Advisory Council meetings: March 11, 2024 REGISTER
- CCA Annual General Meeting: March 11, 2024 REGISTER
As always, we are happy to participate in your AGMs, Board, or member meetings. Just reach out to Patricia Gougeon at [email protected] to schedule us!