Construction leaders shape CCA’s new strategic plan
Work is underway towards refreshing the Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) strategic plan. The new plan, to be launched in 2023, will set out the association’s objectives and areas of focus over the next three years.

The strategic plan development kicked off with a survey and set of interviews to get a baseline for the concerns, opportunities and constraints facing the industry. This was followed by a half-day workshop in Vancouver ahead of CCA’s Annual Conference on March 7 to further refine ideas, insights, and input from over 70 participants from among the Board of Directors and National Advisory Councils. This, combined with findings from stakeholder interviews and a survey, will be synthesized into a three-year plan to be considered by the Board at its upcoming July meeting with a goal to finalize it by November.

Workshop participants were asked to come up with scenarios that support a thriving industry; ideas and specific action areas for members, owners, local construction associations (LCAs) and CCA; and to define what success would look like for the sector in five years.
UNITE and LEAD resonate with members, as common themes emerged from the breakout discussions around the need to unite stakeholders and effect change through strong leadership. Many participants representing different roles within the industry expressed a desire to better work together to leverage their collective strengths, knowledge and capacities to create an impact across sectors and localities.

Participants also reflected on the need to change the perception of the industry. This is essential to increasing workforce capacity – an industry priority to ensure that the sector has the talent, skills and resources needed to meet current and growing demands.
An emerging theme is developing industry and CCA capacity, that is to SCALE. This concept is to capture the need to build workforce capacity, diversify procurement and delivery models, adopt technology and drive Canada’s green economy.