CCA leadership and guests meet to refresh strategic plan and elect new board
Several important meetings were held in Vancouver, just ahead of CCA’s first in-person conference in two years. These included the final meeting of the 2021 – 2022 CCA Board, an open meeting with the Board, committees, National Advisory Councils (NACs) and guests to brainstorm on strategic issues, and the NAC meetings.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was also held, where the new Board was elected, Brendan Nobes was confirmed as the 2022 – 2023 Chair and new auditors, Kelly, Huibers, McNeely, were appointed. Immediately following the AGM, the meeting of the new Board was held, where Francis Roy was elected 2nd Vice Chair and committee appointments were confirmed.
Meeting highlights
I. CCA three-year strategy renewal workshop
Close to 100 volunteers worked through two possible industry scenarios; one where we are thriving, and one where we are surviving. This highly engaging and interactive workshop brought out common key themes for consideration in renewing CCA’s three-year plan, including:
Strengthening relationships
- Strengthen relationships with LCAs, owners, grassroots, and other stakeholders in industry and the supply chain
- Enrich advocacy and influence at different levels of governments and expand to private owners

Focusing on growth
- Talent acquisition strategies to increase supply
- Skills development to advance and increase skill levels of existing talent
- Educate and share knowledge

Working together
- Owners and contractors work together to create mutual gain; shared risk; realistic and forward thinking planning
- CCA and LCAs gather and share knowledge, best practices, and advance issues
- Align on advocacy

Evolving the industry
- Shift the culture of the industry
- Pursue initiatives related to green economy, sustainability, etc.
- Address succession of businesses and industry
- Shift societal perception of value of industry and careers
- Explore new delivery models, technology, and fair procurement

II. National Advisory Council discussions
The NACs met to discuss and better understand emerging issues in their respective sectors. Some of the key themes that emerged included:
- Supply chain and cost escalation. It would be helpful if members share best practices so that CCA may re-share, including updated clauses, self-supply and other strategies.
- Procurement and requirement for owner and contractor education on alternative models and on net zero.
- Prompt payment legislation is rolling out in provinces acrros the country. It was recognized that CCA had done a great job at a national level to get prompt payment legislation implemented where currently applicable.
- Labour shortage and that LCA partners and members provide recruitment and retention best practices so CCA may consolidate them in a resources area. Partners and members were encouraged to consider newer channels, like TikTok.
- Prequalification documents are becoming onerous, especially for trade contractors.

There was also a discussion at the General Contractor (GC) and Trade Contractor (TC) advisory councils regarding proposed changes by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) to CCDC 16. CCA had approved the new CCDC 16 ‘A Guide to Changes in the Contract’ in the summer of 2021.
However, RAIC and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) have expressed concern about Section 5.4 ‘Cumulative Impact Cost Change’ and requested that this be deleted as a condition for their endorsement.
Christina O’Donnell and Brendan Nobes, CCA representatives to CCDC, consulted the TC and GC advisory councils on March 7 regarding this proposal.
Following discussion at the two councils, this proposal was not acceptable and an alternative is being discussed.
III. 2021 – 2022 Board meeting
Value proposition
The Board endorsed the five recommendations from CCA’s value proposition working group, crediting the importance of this strategy in better defining CCA’s value to members, associations, the government and owners. The five recommendations are that CCA will:
- Apply the three-lens value proposition recommended by the working group, namely that CCA is a Trusted Champion for members, a Trusted Partner for LCAs, and a Trusted Advisor for government and owners.
- Create and implement tools, events and engagement opportunities with the objective of members feeling they belong to something bigger.
- Expand capacity to advocate through actions consistent with the examples cited in the working group report and recommendations.
- Formalize the relationship between CCA and Associates (Integrated Associations).
- Refresh CCA’s service offerings and diversify revenue including moving toward a branded suite of CCA “Services to Build Better” with an initial focus on construction procurement best practices and project delivery methods.
New governance policy manual
The second significant initiative approved by the Board is a new, robust governance policy manual, which defines how CCA governs itself, including a new director and volunteer code of ethics and discipline policy. This work was spearheaded by Charles Caza with significant feedback from the Governance & Nominating Committee. In support of improving its onboarding, CCA will also expand its volunteer orientation to include the NACs and its committees.
IV. Meeting of 2022 – 2023 Board

Newly elected Chair, Brendan Nobes, met with the new Board to elect-the 2nd Vice Chair and confirm Board committee and NAC appointments.
The CCA Board warmly welcomes Francis Roy, President, Humaco Group, a trade contractor from Quebec as our 2nd Vice Chair.
The CCA Board also thanks the many returning and new volunteers who contribute to CCA’s iniatives on behalf of the industry. Click here to see the complete list.
V. Upcoming Board & NAC meetings
CCA Board Meetings
July 14 & 15, 2022
September 8, 2022
November 14, 2022
NACs (open to NACs and pre-registered COOs and members)
June 21, 2022 – Manufacturers, Suppliers & Services and Civil Infrastructure (13:00 – 14:00 ET)
June 22, 2022 – General Contractors (13:00 – 14:00 ET)
June 23, 2022 – Local Construction Associations (13:00 – 14:00 ET)
June 28, 2022 – Trade Contractors (13:00 – 14:00 ET)
Location: Virtual
August 9, 2022 – General Contractors and Civil Infrastructure (13:00 – 14:00 ET)
August 10, 2022 – Manufacturers, Suppliers & Services and Trade Contractors (13:00 – 14:00 ET)
August 11, 2022 – Local Construction Associations (13:00-14:00 ET)
Location: Virtual
November 14, 2022
Location: Ottawa
Hill Day
November 15, 2022
Location: Ottawa
March 6, 2023
Location: Tucson, Arizona
CCA Annual Conference
March 7 – 10, 2023
Location: Tucson, Arizona
As always, we are happy to participate in your AGMs, Board or member meetings. Just reach out to Deanna Young at [email protected] to schedule us!