CCA June Board meeting focuses on member and association value
CCA’s recently elected Board of Directors met in Kelowna, British Columbia this month to review the Association’s progress on its strategic plan and consider priorities for 2024. Top of mind for the Board was to continue working with partner associations to better define and communicate the value of local, provincial and national association membership.
CCA partnership with CAS is a win-win
The Board received an update that the Canadian Apprenticeship Service (CAS) program, in partnership with the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, is increasing its funding approvals to help businesses hire more apprentices, doubling in just the last few months. This is a great sign and should help encourage more Canadians to consider a long-term career in construction.
This partnership is also generating close to $1 million in new revenue for integrated partner associations, as CCA is purchasing association media to promote the initiative.
Now that’s a win-win for members, workers, and integrated partner associations!

Adding integrated partner associations as members moves one step closer
The Board reviewed recommendations on changes to the by-laws and processes to include Integrated Partner Associations as members of CCA. There will be one final review with the working group, Governance & Nominations committee, and then the Board for approval at its September meeting. The changes will then be brought forward to the March Annual General Meeting for approval.

CCDC digital documents progressing well
The project is progressing well, with the initial pilots with users and pricing strategy close to completion. We are planning to start the rollout to a couple of partner associations this summer, expanding to more associations in the fall.
MS&S National Advisory Council knocks it out of the park
Co-chairs of the Manufacturer, Suppliers and Services (MS&S) National Advisory Council Amber Sandhu and Glenn Ackerley, supported by CCA Vice President of Marketing Innovation and Industry Collaboration, Kenny Leon, led a working group to develop and deliver a five-part Read your construction contract webinar series. More than 400 members and industry professionals registered for each of the webinars in the series, with an overall content satisfaction rate of 97 per cent.
This is a great example of the collaboration of CCA volunteers to share expertise to benefit the industry. Special thanks to the subcommittee members who worked tirelessly to bring this series to life.
Workforce remains top issue facing members
Reports from partner associations to the CCA Board revealed that members across Canada are still reporting severe workforce shortages and associations are implementing numerous initiatives to counteract these. Exciting programs include taking civil-based job simulators to high schools and initiatives to help place new Canadians in construction roles.
Other high priority issues for members across the country are prompt payment legislation, concerns around social procurement, the green building opportunity, negative impacts of inflation, and CCA’s continued work to advance fair procurement with all levels of governments.
Upcoming meetings
- CCA Board meeting
The next meeting of the CCA Board will take place in Winnipeg, on September 12, 2023 (closed meeting).
- Hill Day 2023, Ottawa
This annual advocacy event brings together members from across Canada to deliver important industry asks to parliamentarians from all parties, in meetings throughout the day and a chance to mingle at a reception.
November 7, 2023: Hill Day and Reception
- National Advisory Council meetings
The National Advisory Councils will be meeting in person in Ottawa on November 8 and observers are welcome. Please mark your calendars! If you wish to observe the meetings, please email [email protected].
- CCA 2024 Annual Conference
The CCA Annual Conference will take place at the beautiful resort destination of Paradisus Palma Real Golf and Spa Resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, from March 12-15, 2024.
As always, we are happy to participate in your AGMs, Board or member meetings. Just reach out to Patricia Gougeon at [email protected] to schedule us!