Growth plan must include strategy for swift flow of funds to be effective, says Canadian Construction Association

OTTAWA, October 2, 2020 – CCA members – 70 per cent of which are small and medium-sized, family-run businesses – have been asking for a clear, balanced, fair and flexible infrastructure stimulus plan as Canadians focus on pandemic recovery.

The growth plan announced on October 1 by the federal government and Canada Infrastructure Bank is a promising step towards securing jobs and boosting economic growth through infrastructure investment. In order for the plan to have the intended impact, there must be urgency in tendering the projects and a swift flow of funds.

The announced details of the plan do not mention support for certain essential parts of our infrastructure, like roads and bridges, which are in need of attention (as detailed in our Canadian Infrastructure Report Card). This infrastructure enables the flow of trade and, especially important at this time, the distribution of health and safety materials. Also, regions hard hit by the downturn in oil and gas also appear to be left out of the plan. We hope these oversights will be addressed.

We encourage the federal government to remain focused on getting tenders out, reducing red tape, and working with other levels of government on important infrastructure projects in all regions of Canada.

Our industry can help. We are committed to working with the federal government and the Canada Infrastructure Bank to make these investments a success.

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Linkedin: Canadian Construction Association—Association Canadienne de la Construction
YouTube: ConstructionCAN

Rodrigue Gilbert
Vice-President, Public Affairs
613-236-9455, ext. 432
[email protected]