CCA Highlights the Accomplishments of Twelve Recipients with Its 2016 CCA Awards

RIVIERA MAYA, MEXICO, Wednesday March 22, 2017 — The Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) awards recognize the important contributions of individuals, organizations and projects that promote and enhance the Canadian construction industry, whether through innovation, projects, or dedication to the industry.
The 2016 Canadian Construction Association award recipients are:

Awards of Excellence

• 2016 CCA Person of the Year Award – Paul Douglas, PCL Construction
• 2016 CCA Excellence in Innovation Award – Boehmers
• 2016 CCA Environmental Achievement Award – PCL Construction
• 2016 CCA International Business Award – Produits Métalliques (PMI)
• 2016 CCA National Safety Award – Deep Foundation
• 2016 CCA Partner Association Award – Calgary Construction Association
• 2016 CCA Community Leader Award – Gateman-Milloy
• 2016 CCA Gold Seal Association Award – Calgary Construction Association

Awards of Recognition

• 2016 CCA General Contractor Award – Kees Cusveller, Graham Group
• 2016 CCA Trade Contractor Award – Patrick Waunch, Rambow Mechanical
• 2016 CCA Civil Infrastructure Award – Steve Cruickshank, Cruickshank Construction
• 2016 CCA Manufacturers, Suppliers and Services Award – John Owens, Revay and Associates

“I’m honored to highlight these individuals, companies and associations,” said Gilbert Brulotte, CCA’s chair. It’s a privilege to be able to showcase the leadership, innovative approaches and generosity demonstrated through these awards. It sets the bar for all of us and demonstrates what we can achieve as individuals and as organizations. Please visit the awards website to learn more about this year’s winners, the CCA Awards and to submit a nomination in the fall.”

More information, including videos from the awards ceremony and a list of past recipients, is available on the CCA website at

About the Winners Person of the Year Award – Paul Douglas, PCL Construction

CCA is pleased to present Paul Douglas with the 2016 CCA Person of the Year Award for being an inspiration to his employees, his colleagues and his industry peers as well as for making significant contributions to the industry at local, provincial and national levels.
Since joining PCL as a construction manager in 1985, Paul rose steadily through the ranks and was appointed CEO in 2009. Paul sees knowledge as foundational to industry strength, and believes firmly in employee education in its many forms. New at PCL is the Leadership Academy, developed under Paul’s watch and in accordance with his dedication to employee development and advancement.

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Paul to the High Level Panel on Infrastructure Development where he was the only Canadian and industry participant on a panel of G20 countries. In 2015 he was appointed to the board of the Business Council of Canada. Paul was recently appointed into the Alberta Business Hall of Fame for outstanding achievements in free enterprise and his dedication to community service in ways that inspire all young Albertans.

Excellence in Innovation Award – Boehmers

CCA is pleased to present Boehmers with the 2016 CCA Excellence in Innovation Award for creating a strong culture of innovation which has resulted in an effective, more environmental product.

To reduce their carbon footprint, Boehmers partnered with McGill University to research and develop the Carboclave block, which successfully modified concrete block manufacturing to additionally serve as a carbon ‘sink.’ It uses industry-recovered CO2 for the enhanced curing of concrete.

For the Carboclave product, Paul Hargest provided $200,000+ to complement government funding, as well as the use of the Hargest manufacturing plant. Proof of concept was first carried out at the laboratory scale, then scaled-up to pilot trials, and finally implemented at the commercial scale. In spring 2016, after meeting all the engineering and manufacturing benchmarks, the Carboclave block was introduced to the market and today makes up a full 50% of Boehmers’ production. Each standard masonry block (20 cm) cured via Carboclave technology sequesters an average 0.7 lbs of CO2. This is equivalent to embedding 680 g of nano-CaCO3 crystals within the block. The nano-CaCO3 precipitates effectively reinforce the hardened cement paste lending the final concrete product better mechanical performance and improved durability.

Environmental Achievement Award – PCL Construction for the Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence project at the Okanagan College

CCA is pleased to present PCL Construction with the 2016 CCA Environmental Achievement Award for its role in constructing a truly outstanding example of sustainable building, and for taking on the Living Building Challenge so successfully.
Designed to achieve LEED® Platinum status as a form of inspiration for the next generation of tradespeople, Okanagan College envisioned the Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence taking on the Living Building Challenge (LBC) to achieve an advanced measure of sustainability by focusing on seven performance areas: site, water, energy, health, materials, equity, and beauty. On top of prerequisites in each of these categories, there must be net-zero energy and water consumption.

PCL was in charge of construction management, but worked closely with consultants and contractors. “The best part about the project was the team approach,” said senior project manager Gary Thomas. As part of the LBC, PCL was also tasked with not only engaging the local community in the building process, but sourcing local materials as well. “All materials had to be sourced within a strict radius from the site. The heavier and more basic the component, the more locally you had to get it,” continued Thomas.
The building itself acts as a teaching tool, with exposed HVAC systems, interactive building controls with live demonstrable data, and rooftop access allowing for study of experimental technologies.

International Business Award – Produits Métalliques (PMI)

CCA is pleased to award Produits Métalliques (PMI) with the 2016 CCA International Business Award for successfully having integrated into the international market.
Founded in 1951, PMI specializes in the manufacture and installation of steel structures. Located in Rimouski, virtually all of PMI’s customers come from outside the region, not just Quebec, but across Canada and as far away as Africa. After seven years of management and close monitoring, PMI is proud to have been involved in building Republic of Benin’s National Assembly.

The building design presented new challenges for PMI. The production of 300 tonnes of steel took four months and required fifteen 40-ft. shipping containers. The installation required four three-week mobilizations involving four Quebec steel erectors and five Beninese trainee steel erectors.

National Safety Award – Deep Foundations Contractors

CCA is proud to present Deep Foundations Contractors with the 2016 CCA National Safety Award for its success in establishing solutions in advance of any problems, and for its continued dedication to its safety culture.

Year-over-year improvement in safety performance begins with the senior management team’s active involvement in employee training and education. Prior to starting work at the job site, the crew completes a Daily Risk Assessment (DRA) form. Every new worker is paired with a mentor, and both the new worker and mentor are identified on each job site.
Deep Foundation spends time collaborating with its clients and the various teams. Its internally-developed work permit for utility interferences and work platform was adopted by other firms. Taking the initiative of creating new and safer equipment to protect employees and the public resulted in the invention of a patented pile driving spotter with an on-board computer which prevents torsional loading of the lattice boom.

Deep Foundation is a member of the League of Champions and was awarded the 2015 Outstanding Safety Culture Award by the Toronto Construction Association. The company has won the Outstanding Safety Award by the International Association of Foundation Drilling five times in the last six years.

Partner Association Award – Calgary Construction Association

CCA is pleased to present the Calgary Construction Association with the 2016 CCA Partner Association Award for its work representing members’ issues to the local government and its ongoing exploration of new education and outreach programs and services.
In 2016, the Calgary Construction Association informed the City of Calgary that it was no longer a preferred client due to its onerous contract conditions. The city and the Calgary Construction Association reviewed 74 clauses of which 62 were amended and agreed upon by both parties. New City of Calgary SGC’s were issued and are now being used on all city projects. In addition, the city also improved the Prequalification of Prime Contractors application process.

In addition to its 70 courses and workshops offered in 2016, Calgary also created an owners, architects, engineers and contractors (OAEC) workshop, out of which arose a custom course and its upcoming workshop that will focus on Lean Construction. Calgary Construction Association has also recently created a Young Leaders group as a standing committee of its association. The group will focus on social, educational and outreach activities, including recruitment of young people into the industry.

Community Leader Award – Gateman-Milloy

CCA is pleased to present Gateman-Milloy with the 2016 CCA Community Leader Award for its support of today’s and tomorrow’s construction industry and its local community.
Based in Kitchener, Ontario, one of Gateman-Milloy’s corporate goals is to be active members in its local communities, at all levels. By providing advice and consultations, sponsorships, employment opportunities, in-kind donations, and volunteering, Gateman-Milloy is not only succeeding at business, but helping others succeed as well.

Since 2009, it has been industry partner with Conestoga College’s Heavy Equipment Operator program advisory committee. To assist the program, Gateman-Milloy continues to provide equipment and materials for training, job site tours, networking opportunities, and industry-related advice. Gateman-Milloy has also set up an endowed academic grant with the College for their Civil Engineering Technology or Architecture Construction Engineering Technology programs. Since the program’s inception, it has also benefited by hiring 10 of the highly-skilled graduates from the program.

Other causes that Gateman-Milloy is involved with include the local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and the rare Charitable Research Reserve. In 2016 they received the ‘Community Builder’ award from the Grand Valley Construction Association for their contributions to Innisfree House, a hospice that provides comfort, care and closure to patients through their end-of-life journey.

Gold Seal Association Award – Calgary Construction Association

CCA is pleased to present the Calgary Construction Association with the 2016 CCA Gold Seal Association Award for its unwavering support of the Gold Seal program and for bringing significant attention to the program with its Gold Seal Projects.

The Seton Recreation Facility is the association’s latest Gold Seal Project. The association’s Gold Seal Projects are so well-received that they have led to the Gold Seal Committee revising its guidelines for developing, promoting, and implementing Gold Seal Project events, and to on-going discussions between the association and the City of Calgary regarding having all City project managers Gold Seal Certified.

Thanks to its efforts, Calgary Construction Association members have led all local construction associations in the country in Gold Seal applications and certifications for three of the last four years.

General Contractor Award – Kees Cusveller, Graham Group

CCA is pleased to award Kees Cusveller with the 2016 CCA General Contractor Award for his efforts in continued improvements in the construction industry, and for his dedication to its associations.

A Gold Seal Certified construction professional with more than 30 years of experience, Kees began his career as a project coordinator, moving his way up to senior project management and is currently vice-president of alternative procurement and delivery. An expert in the management of significant projects, Kees is also a champion of Lean construction practices. He is a past president of the Calgary Construction Association and past chairman of Alberta Construction Association and currently sits on the Canadian Construction Association executive committee.

Trade Contractor Award – Patrick Waunch, Rambow Mechanical

CCA is pleased to award Patrick Waunch with the 2016 CCA Trade Contractors Award for his infectious enthusiasm and dedication to the growth and improvement of the industry, the association and the trade contractors council.

Patrick shines a spotlight on the trades and works tirelessly to encourage growth in apprenticeship programs. Patrick oversaw and contributed to the update of a resource that clarifies the prospective responsibility that trade contractors may be assigned vis-à-vis design in CCA 53 A Trade Contractor’s Guide and Checklist to Construction Contracts, and led the development and adoption of the CCA policy statement on the naming of subtrades. In addition to being the past chair for the CCA Trade Contractors Council, Patrick chairs the Canadian Design-Build Institute’s Trade Contractors Committee.

Civil Infrastructure Award – Steve Cruickshank, Cruickshank Construction

CCA is pleased to present Steve Cruickshank with the 2016 CCA Civil Infrastructure Award for his continuing efforts in promoting positive change and innovation in the industry, and for his work on behalf of the heavy civil sector.

Steve’s career began at the age of fourteen when he started working for his father. In 2000, he acquired Cruickshank Construction from his father and took on the role of CEO. He has served on the boards of the Ontario Road Builders Association, Canadian Construction Innovations and, of course, CCA. However, his contributions to the industry extend well beyond the formal roles. For example, when the current generation of area maintenance contracts with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation ran into difficulties, Steve was a champion for the industry in promoting changes and accommodations bettering the outcome for both parties.

Manufacturers, Suppliers and Services Award – John Owens, Revay and Associates

CCA is pleased to award John Owens with the 2016 CCA MS&S Council Award for his expertise on numerous industry matters and for providing keen insight.
A Certified Engineering Technologist, a Certified Project Management Professional and a member of the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, John specializes in preparing and defending construction claims and expert reports, and has scheduled numerous high-profile projects in Canada and internationally.

In addition to his involvement with CCA, John is a past chairman of the Ottawa Construction Association and its education committee. He also serves on the board of Algonquin College Foundation.


Kirsi O’Connor
Director, Communications
613-236-9455 ext. 417
[email protected]