The Canadian Construction Association is working hard to advance
the success of the national construction industry by focusing on:
Attracting and retaining the workforce we need.

The Talent Fits Here campaign is designed to shift the perception and build an emotional connection to the work that the industry does so we can inspire a new generation of construction workers to find their fit in a rewarding career. Join the campaign and showcase your company as an employer of choice!

CCA is advocating to the Federal Government on immigration policies that would help alleviate the workforce challenges affecting the industry. We are gaining some traction with the recently announced changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, as one example.

Integrating Gold Seal into your corporate culture can enhance the recruitment and retention of skilled workers and gain valuable recognition for supporting the construction industry’s nationally recognized certification Program.
Reducing risk and improving procurement practices.

In partnership with the three other constituent national organizations behind the Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC), CCA continues to develop, produce and review standard construction contracts, forms and guides that you can trust to fairly allocate risk and simplify the bidding and contracting process. CCA members also receive special pricing when purchasing through their local construction association.

To improve access to and use of CCDC Documents, CCA offers a CCDC Document Webinar series, aimed at providing information and guidance about the content and use of our standard construction documents.
Advocating for increased long-term infrastructure investment.

With economic recovery being a top priority for all Canadians, CCA continues to call on the federal government to Invest in Canada. Invest in Canadians. Invest in Infrastructure. It’s time for action and investment that will help people, businesses, families and communities thrive now, and well into the future.

In partnership with the Western Canada Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (WCR&HCA), CCA is bringing more attention to the urgency of trade infrastructure investment and the social and economic benefits this provides. The Canada West Foundation recently released a new report, Shovel Ready to Shovel Worthy: The path to a national trade infrastructure plan, which was funded in part by the CCA.